Frequently asked questions
So, what is this all about? What's an Amiga? Why remixes?
The Commodore Amiga™ is a family of personal computers introduced to the world in 1985. Various models were created and one of the most selling points of it was its multimedia capabilities, including its amazing audio possibilities. Lots of memorable music has been made for this platform through the years and this site exists to celebrate that. See more information about the Amiga on Wikipedia.
Wohoo, free music! Can I use it for anything I want?!??
Well, yes and no. You may use the music on this site for your own personal leisure and use it on the devices you see fit. Remember that the copyrights of the original tracks are still held by the original composers and the recording rights of the remixes are held by the artist. For ANY commercial use, public redistribution or monetization via ads or similar, you MUST contact the artist of the remix as well as the original composer and agree with their terms. Giving proper attribution is the least that you need to do, either way.
Downloading track by track takes hours! Can I get them all in one batch?
Right now, we don't offer any way of batch-downloading all the tracks of the collection. You may grab them all by yourself with any download tool that exists out there. However, if you try to download too many tracks within a too short timespan, we might temporarily block your access to the site to not overload it. Everything is set up to be able to serve yearly bundles of the tracks downloadable as torrents in the archive, which will be filled up as we go along.
What are all these abbreviations that pop up all over the site? Well, when it comes to audio production, there are certain measurement units in use. A couple that we use here are LUFS (or
LKFS) which stands for Loudness units relative to full scale and dBTP which stands for decibel True Peak. LUFS is a standard unit used for audio normalization in media and dBTP measures the peak levels. In short, we're trying to follow standards set by the vast majority of the audio world. We're not extremely adamant in enforcing the suggested values, but to keep away from the loudness war and keep the dynamics in the music, it's good that more people are thinking about this when producing music. :)
How come things seems to take forever to finish?
Well, since the entirety of "AmigaRemix Crew" mostly consists of me, Ziphoid, and a bunch of on-and-off-active jurors, the chores this site entails can be quite overwhelming to fit in with the aspects of real life. Hence, things that might seem trivial to fix can sometimes take more time than anticipated. After this major rewrite has been finished, these chores should be simpler and more manageable, so hopefully it will go quicker from now on.
I see what you did, trying to emulate the Amiga look. Why did you not make it 100% perfect?
Have you tried downgrading new things to make them look exactly as old things? Well, this is not a simple thing. Therefor, this seems to be a decent level of pastiche-ness to make your senses tingle with a familiar feeling. Some things just weren't better in the old days, but we still want to feel like they were, right? :)
This site is fugly! I demand you to bring back the old site! NAO!
Well, let me just start by saying that taste differs and is a very personal thing. I happen to like the new style of the site and so far, most others seems to do so as well. Secondly, demanding that I must change something is quite harsh. This site is brought to you - the visitor - completely for free and only because I have decided to work on it in my spare time. I don't really see how that would make anyone entitled to demand anything being changed whatsoever. If anyone comes with valid, constructive feedback, I surely can consider acting upon that. Just stating "I don't like this! You must fix it!" doesn't really cut it in my book. Not even adding a "Please" to that would make me change it if it didn't come with any good ideas on how to change anything.
Either way, you should consider yourself lucky that I (or anyone else on the internet) want to give you a thing like this for free, not demanding anything back other than being shown a little bit of respect. :) If that's not ok with you, there are a gazillion other sites on the interwebs that you are mighty welcome to visit instead of this, or even better - make your own! :)
Continuous play? Can I use this to play ALL them tracks in a row!?
Well, yes and no. When using the audio only-player and having the 'Continuous play'-checkbox checked, the player will continue to the next track once the current one is finished. The playlist is based on the current search result. If the track finishing is the last on the page, it will try to flip over to the next page and start the next track. This can be somewhat problematic in some situations, such as on iOS with the screen closed, but it should hopefully work most of the times. Also, Safari & Firefox tends to ignore auto-starting on page flip as of now. Please send a comment if you bump into any weirdness.
Playback engines? What be this black magic?
Playing audio on the internets is a funny thing. Not every device works in the same way. This is why we've chosen to make it possible for you to choose whatever way works best for you. Note that using a player that displays the waveform will possibly make the loading time quite long, especially if you are on a low-bandwidth connection. By clicking the
options icon you can select the one you'd prefer:
- Default - WebAudio. Should work in most browsers. On an iOS mobile, this mode requires silent mode to be switched off, unless you're using headphones. Will be quite slow on low-bw.
- Alternative - MediaElementWebAudio. A more compatible way of replaying music. Will show media controls above the waveform. Will be quite slow on low-bw.
- Compatibility fallback - MediaElement. An even more backwards compatible replayer. Can start playing audio before finishing the waveform generation, but can also be quite slow on low-bw.This is used on the pages around your own submissions.
- Audio player only - Will not display the waveform. Best choice for mobile or low-bw use, because it doesn't have to process the audio file to generate a waveform to display. This is set as the initial default on mobiles, except for "your" pages.
Why are the remixes named the way they are? Isn't there a naming convention to use?
Well, there's no simple answer to this. It all comes down to whether the track is a remix, mix, cover, pastiche or any other type of variant. What we've decided is to keep it simple. This ended up being handled in the same way as for RKO and Remix64, landing at [remixer name] - [remix title].mp3. Simple and efficient. The ID3 tags will have the correct composer(s) stated so nothing should be lost in there.
The waveform display of my own tracks seems lower than when in the remix list? Why?
For simple and dramatic aesthetic effect, the 'list' version of the track waveform is normalized, making it appear a lot louder than how it is playing. It also is stylized a bit further to make it more appealing. On your own page, normalization is switched off, which makes the waveform display more like it really actually is. The waveform is also displayed showing both channels as well as giving a more detailed view of the actual waveform, including a zoom functionality.
Non-music content ©2003-2025 AmigaRemix Crew