News Archive
Here is an archive of all news posted since the beginning of this site. Just click the subject to toggle the entry.
2024-03-05 MODgor and registration disabled...
Well, sadly, it seems like we can't have nice things without malicious people trying to destroy whatever good thing there is in the world. LOTS of hacking attempts have been made towards the stemifinator since we allowed anonymous, unauthorized uploads. Therefor, that functionality has been disabled for the time being, until I figure out a way to secure it. The same goes for registration, because there were about 300 fake spam users registered in the last couple of weeks.
In case you want to submit anything and don't have a user account, do send us a message through the contact page and we'll open it momentarily so you can register.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may bring, but I guess that's what you get for making free services for the world to enjoy...
2023-11-25 MODgor now goes beyond the Amiga!
Yes, as mentioned in the previous news item, my little stem generator tool called MODgor the STEMifinator is alive and kicking. Now it's even possible to make stems out of even more formats, such as XM, IT and S3M amongst others.
Also, I've managed to find a worthy - and free - replacement tool to UltraEdit, which means I don't need to purchase that expensive license. Thank you to the two kind donors who helped me along the way. :) Still, some encouraging contributions in any way are always highly appreciated, so by all means feel free to do so. :)
Enjoy MODgor and in case you do something with it, please let us know! :)
2023-11-15 Welcome to the world, MODgor the STEMifinator!
A new service has seen the light of day here. Boasting the strange name of MODgor the STEMifinator, it is a service to help you get your juices flowing when it comes to remixing or remastering Sound-/Noise-/ProTracker-modules. In short, what it does is take a module that you upload (still ONLY these formats, with some minor additions, such as Octalyser for the Atari ST), dissect the module and then render stems out of each instrument, giving you a great starting point for a remix, or at least give you an insight into the module, without having to dig into the old tracker itself.
It is very much a work in progress, but it should be quite usable already, so give it a whirl! You can also download some of the pre-baked stems to have a look at what it has to offer.
More details will be posted at a later stage, but there will be a little competition of sort launched early December that I'd like as many of you as possible to take part of, hopefully utilizing MODgor. :)
If you find MODgor useful, please spread the word. Also, since I'm doing this on my spare time, with limited resources, why don't you encourage me by doing something to contribute? Especially when it comes to the development of MODgor, I've found one tool extremely useful, but sadly it isn't free. To dissect the modules and see what's going on behind the curtain, I've used an amazing text editor called UltraEdit. Sadly, it's quite pricey. To help me be able to afford a license of this amazing tool, please consider sending me a few € so that I can purchase it. I'll add a process-meter to this page shortly so we can track how it goes along. I need to reach €150 to be able to afford a perpetual license. Thank you SO much in advance, if you'd consider helping me out by making a small donation. :)
Furthermore, new registrations on the site are still switched off, which you can read about in this previous news item.
2023-10-30 Spam, spam, spam-a-lot
Due to an enormous influx of spam registrations, I've now been forced to disable registrations for new users until I get around to implement some anti-spam measures. If you want to submit a tune but are not registered yet, please contact us and we'll switch it on again.
2023-09-15 Long time, no update...
Hi! Sorry for being a bit absent lately, but I've been busy working on getting the compilation 'The Sound of SceneSat Volume 7' out the door and now it almost is. It also includes some pretty great Amiga remixes, so you should take a listen on the SceneSat BandCamp page.
I've also bumped into some weird bugs with this website, which has caused some problems with deployments and also crippled some functionality, like the continuous play, for instance. I'll try to find some time to sort that out shortly.
Thank you for your patience and support of the site, so please hang in there and it'll soon be fully functional again. :)
// Ziphoid
2023-01-27 New week, new features!
So, a week and a half after the launch of the new engine, I just must say thank you for all your kind words and comments! It really lifts my spirit and makes me want to do more with it all. Which I have done. Lots of small fixes has been done under the hood, but also some quite major ones. One of the bigger features would be the binge-mode called "Continuous play". If you have set the playback engine to "Audio only" at
, you'll be able to let the site keep playing the tracks of your search result, one after the other. This adheres to the current search result and order, and will even cross over to the next page once the last track has been reached. To make this work in Firefox and Safari, you need to allow the browsers to auto-play for this site.
One other thing that I've added is actually a fallback skin to make the site look like it did before the change. The reason why I did this is really weird, though. I do dislike when people are not happy with something I've done. This is apparently the case here, since a couple of guys have sent me VERY constructive emails stating that they dislike the new site. I mean, who can NOT feel the urge to act when you get constructive comments like "The presentation of the new layout is very bad, is there any way to restore the old layout?" and the instant classic: "The new website looks terrible.". Well, I could of course not rest until I'd made sure to solve the problem for these entitled gentlemen and implemented the old layout. Head into the site options to switch to that if you want to. I must warn you that not everything the new layout has to offer will work, but that's what you get, I guess. :)
Either way, keep using the site and as always, feel free to send me a note if you have anything on your mind, positive or negative. However, I'd once again ask for some common sense when sending me a message. To underline this I'd like to quote my muses in the band Scooter: "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice." Please be nice!
Oh, and another note; there are some things in the works that might need you to be logged in, so registering on the site would be a good move, even if you don't plan to do any remixes. :)
// Ziphoid
2023-01-17 A new beginning, just in time!
Yes, it's finally here! The new and improved AmigaRemix v2.0! Completely rewritten from the ground up and prepared to be expanded with any new and exciting features we can imagine to implement! This has been taking far too long and even though I call it v2.0, it's more like v6.0 or something, because I've scrapped a few versions in-between the version you are looking at right now. At least it was released before the site turned 20 years, which will happen in mid-February. More about that later! :)
So, for a quick down-low of what's happened; everything changed, yet things are still the same. :) This site still contains the biggest collection of Amiga remixes available and will keep doing so. Hopefully, the collection will keep growing as well, so make sure to contribute in any way you can, be it as a listener or a remixer!
With this rewrite, the whole system is a lot easier to manage, which means it'll be a lot easier for me to add new functionality as well as manage the remixes and information surrounding it all. Since it IS a complete rewrite, it's fully possible that things have been implemented wrongly. Even though there have been thorough testing, I might have missed something. Therefor, all you out there will need to be my test staff and report any errors or inconsistencies you might find.
Quite a lot has changed, especially when it comes to submitting tracks. You can look through the about, info and FAQ pages for some more info about it all. Also, if you feel up for helping out in any way, take a look at the contribute page.
You can do some tweaks of the site functionality by clicking the icon up in the right corner of the screen. More options might be added as we go along, but there are some useful things there already.
Anyhoo, sorry for the too long wait for this version of the site, but now it is finally out in the open. More things will happen in the near future, like an archive of torrents to make it easier to download the whole collection. Also, there will be a clean-up of some of the older tracks and also more corrections in some of the information surrounding them, so please stay tuned!
P.S. If you toggle this news item by clicking on the subject, it should stay closed for your next visit, by the power of cookies™. D.S.
// Ziphoid
2022-12-28 The end is nigh...
Yes, I know I've said it before, but it's really true now. I'm still wrestling with the submission process because the way to handle the original tracks can be quite hard to do in a good way and the way I've started implementing it seems to be a bit too quirky. So, I've realized that it'll probably take too much time to redo that bit right now and will go for the quite simple approach as it works now instead.
This work is highly ongoing but I sadly got struck with covid a week before Xmas and have just recovered from it (at least it was a quite light variant). The roughest bit with that is that I haven't been feeling well enough to muster coding as much as I'd hoped. This is all remedied now, though, so I'm currently trying to get this bugger out the door as soon as humanly possible. I will aim to release this before we switch over to 2023, at least.
Meanwhile, you can vote for the Remix64 Remixer of the Year Awards and select your favourites from the past year. Since I won't open the submission system again before NYE, the amount of released tracks are fixed. Head over to to vote, please!
Aaaanyhoo, back to work it is. Or rather to sleep right now - then work more tomorrow!
// Ziphoid
2022-11-21 It's getting close now...
Sooo... Time goes on. I've been working hard behind the scenes to get the new version of the site up and running and it's getting really close now. In fact, it's so close that I've actually switched server in preparation for the final step. Registrations and submissions are currently switched off to kind of force me to get this done once and for all, so please have some more patience and we should get this one done in a jiffy... ...or at least pretty soon... :D
// Ziphoid
2022-10-26 Another batch of music available and I've been interviewed!!
Back in Time Live 2022 is over and it was awesome. I had the immense pleasure of getting to hold a panel discussion with Jeroen Tel, Barry Leitch, Chris Hülsbeck and Tim Wright, which gave some interesting stories that you probably never have heard. A video of that discussion will probably pop up on YouTube shortly. It was a great weekend meeting old and new friends and I already miss it!
When it comes to this site, work is continuing and I'm _ALMOST_ there. The submission system is basically what's left, so there's a possibility that I'll release a read-only version of the new site to up the pressure for me to finish it. I haven't really decided about that yet, though.
In other news, I was interviewed in the latest edition of Amiga Addict Magazine (issue 16) about this site and more. Please head over there and buy an issue to help support their amazing work.
More news to be posted soon, but do enjoy the new batch of tracks until then!
/ Ziphoid
2022-08-23 Summer is over, all is switched on, and - there's a remix compo going on!

Ok, so the plans to fix the new version of the site this summer didn't exactly pan out, but a LOT of progress have been done so there will be an autumn release of the new site. This means that the submission system is now switched on again until further notice.
Instead, get going to make a mashup/medley of two or more tracks by Barry Leitch, Chris Hülsbeck, Matthew Cannon or Tim Wright because it's a task in the remix compo for the upcoming Back In Time Live event happening in Bergen, Norway in October. I will be there, hosting the event and interviewing the aforementioned guys in a panel and they will also perform together with Fastloaders. Ziona will also hold a DJ-set. So, make sure to come and join us. Lots of well-known people will be there and I can assure you'll have a splendid time! Also, in case you can't make it there, SLAY Radio will broadcast.
Find more info and tickets at their website.
** EDIT: NOW things are switched on again! I did a boo-boo and missed switching submissions on for everyone... **
// Ziphoid
2022-07-11 Summer is here!
...and with that, we're taking a break, even though we're not! :)
During the summer, there'll be another effort to finish the rewrite of the site so that it can be moved to a new server, with fresh and flexible new functionality in place. Also, the new version will both be more stable and more secure than the current one is. It will also mean that the system will allow more easy management as well as being more extensible, in case we find some new functionality we want to add...
Therefor, the registration and submission is switched off and will be switched on again after the summer.
Have a splendid summer and may the weather gods make you happy, no matter what kind of weather you want!
// Ziphoid
2022-03-21 Registration is switched off!
Due to a sudden burst in spam registrations (>2500 in less than half a day), I've currently switched off new registrations to the site. Hopefully, I'll be able to put in a protection filter for this soonish, but for now you'll have to live with not being able to register on the site.
Sorry for any inconvenience!
// Ziphoid
2022-02-20 Remixer of the Year results are in!
The Remixer of the Year awards have been handed out. Our very own Dr.Future won the big one, becoming Remixer of the Year and XxDUSTYxx won the Best Amiga Remix category with his metal tribute to Romeo Knight's Beat to the Pulp. Great work, guys!
The full results are available at now.
Keep it up and please make more awesome remixes this year!
// Ziphoid
2022-01-03 Happy New Year!
So, 2022 is here. Let's hope this year will be better than the last couple of years in all ways possible.
Since 2021 is over, don't forget to vote for your favourite tracks and artists for the ROTY Awards at Remix64. The voting will be available until the end of January 23rd, but don't procrastinate and make sure to put your votes in sooner rather than later.
The results will be revealed in a show on SLAY Radio sometime in February.
// Ziphoid
2021-11-21 New bunch of tracks released!
Here we go, a bunch of new tracks for your aural pleasure! :) It's getting closer to the end of the year and you should all remember to vote for your favourite tracks and artists for the ROTY Awards at Remix64. The voting will be available until the end of January 23rd, but don't procrastinate and make sure to put your votes in sooner rather than later.
The results will be revealed in a show on SLAY Radio sometime in February.
// Ziphoid
2021-10-07 New tracks released and another Kickstarter is on!

Here's a bunch of new tracks for your aural pleasure. Download, listen and vote!
Also, head over to to experience a new album with epic renditions of a bunch of your favourite C64 and Amiga scores!
Don't miss helping out to make this venture a success, because it will surely be worth your while!
2021-05-13 New tracks released!
Finally, a new bundle of tracks has been released, and what a bundle it is! I assure you that everyone will find something they like in this because I highly appreciated it all. Perhaps I should keep the submission possibilities closed every now and then just to be able to enforce release frenzies like this... ;) Nah, I'll try to not go that far. The submission possibility will be open for a bit longer while I prepare the next step in the server move, so just keep them coming! :)
// Ziphoid
2021-05-08 Submissions are open again for a while!
So, real life once again throws one of its curveballs which has made it impossible for me to finish the move. Therefor, the submissions are now open again for a while until I can regroup and finish the move to the new server. Fire away! :D
// Ziphoid
2021-04-18 Remixing competition results are in!

The competition celebrating the 20-year anniversary of has ended.
Head over to to see the full results!
The submissions to this site are still switched off for a bit longer, due to moving the current site to a new server, which also means that there needs to be quite a bit of patching done... Sorry for that inconvenience, but I AM working on it.
// Ziphoid
2021-04-08 Remixing competition voting is ongoing and submitting is disabled!

Since turns 20 years old on April 17th, 2021, the online competition continues. 49 tracks have been entered and 9 of them are Amiga remixes.
Head over to to vote!
Also, submissions to this site have been switched off for a few weeks now and will be so for a little while longer, due to moving the current site to a new server, which also means that there needs to be quite a bit of patching done... Sorry for that inconvenience.
2021-01-28 Remixing competition imminent! will turn 20 years old on April 17th, 2021, and they thought that the best way to celebrate this momentous occasion would be to invite the collective talent of the C64 and Amiga remix community to participate in an online competition.
Head over to to submit your entry and participate!
2021-01-22 Something is finally happening!
First post in ages as well the first batch of new tracks in 2021!
Sorry for the delay, but things are quite rough these days. Now it's finally time to get this ball rolling again with a few new tracks, and you can also help us vote for the Remix64 Remixer of the Year Awards because the deadline is in less than three days! Go there now! Vote! Please!
Also, expect some more exciting news coming along this year, and hopefully it won't be that much longer until I can finally show you the new and improved version of this site.
Stay tuned and please GO VOTE!
// Ziphoid
2020-08-07 Progress is being made...
...just not as quickly as I had hoped. LOADS of stuff have been solved during the summer and the new engine is coming along just nicely. However, since I don't want to keep you guys away from new releases, I'm opening up the submission system again, while the final bits are being puzzled together for the new system.
I have received some wishes for new functionality, but there's always room for more, so don't hesitate sending me an idea or something to and I'll do my best to cater them for you.
Until then, thank you for being patient and I hope to be able to show some more progress to you guys shortly. :)
// Ziphoid
2020-07-12 In the summertime, when the weather is hot...
...I'm taking a break while I'm not. :D This means that things are finally happening on the next incarnation of this site, so uploads are disabled until I get further with the new engine.
Any ideas and suggestions for the new engine can be sent to me at and although I have a quite clear image of what should be done, more input never hurts. :)
Have a splendid summer and make sure to prepare your remixes for submission in August! :)
// Ziphoid
2020-05-04 Whoopsiedaisies...
Apparently, the codebase is SO old so that it didn't really cater for things the way it should. This means that the contact form has been non-workiing for ages... No good, since that means that everything you have sent to any arranger has not arrived but gotten stuck in the void of the database... :/
Sorry about this, but what it also leads to is the fact that I _REALLY_ must rewrite this now... Which is what I am doing! Expect changes in a hopefully not-too-distant future!
Any ideas and suggestions you have you can send to and I'll take them into consideration. No promises that whatever you wish for will come true, though, but I'd love to hear your ideas. :)
// Ziphoid
2020-03-16 Slow start of the year...
...but here it is. :) After putting the lid on last decade the the ROTY show yesterday, here's a bunch of new tracks for your aural entertainment. :)
Things are in motion with the site, though, because it needs to be moved to a new server and due to the codebase being stoneage:y old, it either needs to be fixed or rewritten... ...this means to most certainty that a rewrite is imminent. Expect some changes and possibly some occasional outage, but I'll keep you posted. :)
// Ziphoid
2019-12-27 Final bunch of the decade! Happy Holidays!
So, it has now come to the (probably) last bunch of the decade to be released on It has been a quite slow and quiet year but there surely have been some ups and downs. :)
In other words, it's time for you guys and gals to do your job and help us with some votes for the Remixer of the Year Awards. Voting ends on Sunday 19th of January, so make sure to go to and put your votes in, please! :)
With this, AmigaRemix wishes you an amazing start of a new decade and a great ending of this one and in 2020, we'll be back with more things going on, for sure.
Best, Ziphoid
2019-10-04 New bunch of tracks and yet another Kickstarter project!

Once again hello after a period of silence!
First off, there are a bunch of new releases this time so make sure to enjoy them.
Secondly, there's another Kickstarter project looming around. This time, it's Fastloaders who goes Amiga with a tripple-CD of hard-stompin' Amiga remixes. Examples of their work can be heard in the new submissions here. :)
Amiga Rocks includes tracks from Super Cars II, Shadow of the Beast, Unreal, Turrican, Castle Master, Ghouls n' Ghosts, Battle Squadron, Lost Patrol, Golden Axe, Final Fight, X-Out, Dogs of War, Lotus, Cannon Fodder, Hero Quest, Chuck Rock, LED Storm and many more! Make sure to check it out!
2019-06-03 Yet another Kickstarter project!

Hi again!
Once again, there's another Kickstarter project on the horizon. Albeit not straightly directed at the Amiga, it sure has the spirit of it involved, especially with its earlier volumes.
The Masters of Pixel Art volume 3 brings contemporary pixel graphics into the spotlight, and there's a lot of great work out there. So, go check it out and make a pledge to help it become a reality!
2019-04-06 New Amiga music Kickstarter project!

Hello there!
Slow start of the year for due to various reasons, such as life. However, now there's an awesomely ambitious Amiga music project brewing over at Kickstarter.
Lots of great music with lots of awesome musicians involved, so go check it out and make a pledge to help it become a reality!
Funding ends on April 28th.
2019-01-12 2018 is over...
...but there's still one more thing for you to do. Vote for the ROTYs! :)
Go to and give your votes for what you thought were the best C64 and Amiga remixes and remixers last year. The results will be given in a show on SLAY Radio and SceneSat sometime early this year.
Let's all hope 2019 will bring us more amazing remixes and all sorts of other joy in life! :)
// Ziphoid
2018-11-21 Life finds a way... block all sorts of fun work and make it impossible to catch up easily. :) Aaaanyhoo, here's a bunch of new tracks that have been hovering in the submission queue for almost four months. Sorry about this, but that's how things go from time to time. :) Real life has to take precedence but I hope to find more time aaaany year now.. For now, keep voting and enjoying these tracks. We're coming up to the end of the year and there will most certainly be a ROTY show some time early 2019 to look forward to... ;)
// Ziphoid
2018-05-23 Finally, some action!
Here we go, finally. After a spring full of too much stuff going on, here's finally some updated tracks for your aural pleasure. :)
I've been hard at work building a player for The Sound of SceneSat compilations, which contains a bunch of Amiga remixes as well as a lot of original tracks from some oldsk00l composers. Feel free to check it out by clicking on that link. :)
Anyhoo, hopefully, there'll be a bit more stuff happening here shortly, so stay tuned! :)
// Ziphoid
2017-12-31 Winter greetings and a plea!
So, here's the final update for 2017. A quite quiet year, with only 45 tracks released. That's basically less than half as many as 2016... Doesn't bode well. :/ Oh well, here's hoping for a better 2018 with more and even stronger remixes!
Meanwhile, please head over to to vote for your favorite remixers and remixes and help us make a great show out of it sometime early 2018! :)
I hope you've had some great holidays and may the remixing scene grow stronger in 2018!
Happy New Year!
// Ziphoid
2017-06-27 Summer greetings and a listening tip!
Hello y'all!
Summer is here and with that comes even less time spent at the computer. However, things are brewing under the surface and there might be some interesting things to come when the fall/winter comes. More about that in a future update... ;)
Also, in case you want an easy way to listen through the AmigaRemix collection, you can do so by visiting the freshly started Darth Radio web radio by clicking the name of the station!
Have a splendid summer!
// Ziphoid
2017-02-07 Tracks! We have new tracks! Come and get 'em!
The first batch of tracks for 2017 was released today and we're off to a pretty nice start, I must say. Do download them and vote for them, to start building the basis for next year's Remixer of the Year Awards.
The ROTY Awards 2016 show will take place on Sunday February 19th, 20:00CET and will be hosted by SLAY Radio and also aired at SceneSat so don't miss it!
At this time, I also want to thank all of you who are supporting AmigaRemix by downloading and voting and also by the occasional donation, which helps me run this and also work on a new generation of the engine that is running the site. With a bit of luck, 2017 is the year it WILL be renewed and I'd love to get your suggestions if you have any particular wishes and requests of functionality or other things that would suite the site. If so, use the contact form and send an email to AmigaRemix Crew and I'll see what can be done.
Keep it up and enjoy the music! :)
Oh, and if you want to see some NEW Amiga stuff (and hear me ramble on about everything and nothing), don't miss tuning in to the video feed from the Datastorm party during the weekend 10-12th of February. You'll find a video stream at SceneSat and also at the original DS site mentioned above.
// Ziphoid
2016-12-27 Final batch of the year - and VOTE!
Here we go with the final batch of tracks of the year 2016! It's a mixture of tracks that should give you some listening pleasure, at least. :)
Make sure to vote for your favourite remixes and remixers in the Remix64 Remixer of the Year Awards voting that still is open until January 17th. We need your votes to be able to make an interesting show sometime early 2017.
Go to to vote. :)
Have a great ending of 2016 and an even better beginning of 2017!
I'll make sure to make 2017 a good year for Amiga remixes since I have some things up my sleeve... The only thing that's needed is a bit of time. ;)
// Ziphoid
2016-10-15 New tracks!
After yet another long hiatus from updating the queue, here's a new batch of tracks for your enjoyment.
Oh, and I'd like to take this time to remind you who submit tracks to this site that this is a completely non-profit site, here for YOUR entertainment. When communicating with us, is it too much to ask for some manners? Remember, making and listening to music should be fun!
// Ziphoid (apparently a motherf**ker)
2016-07-08 Summertime!
Yes, it's that time of the year when you really should sit outside in the nice weather, sipping an ice cold beverage of your choosing and just overall take it easy. I managed to gather up some strength to process the queue for all your aural pleasure to give you something to enjoy in the heat.
Keep up the voting and for you remixers out there - keep them coming!
Have a great summer, y'all! :)
// Ziphoid
2016-06-14 Whoa!
I've got to stop procrastinating and get the queue processed quickly, to not have to make it all into a massive sitting when releasing stuff here. :)
Anyhoo, a BUNCH of fresh tracks are now available for your aural pleasure! Download, listen, vote and enjoy! :)
// Ziphoid
2016-05-25 Soon...
Yes, sadly, a busy life makes long wait for new stuff. However, I'm working through the backlog and there WILL be a full release of new and fresh tunes from the queue very shortly.
// Ziphoid
2016-01-05 Happy New Year!
...and what a start of this new year of our Lord twentysixteen! The first bundle of tracks are already released, and three of them from daXX! I think we have something big going on this year, so stick with us!
Also, we're closing in on the final moments of voting for the Remixer of the Year Awards, so in case you haven't voted (or want to revise your votes), head over to and help us out! Show date will be announced shortly.
// Ziphoid
2015-11-30 A new bag of goodies, this Cyber Monday!
Here we go with another bunch of delicious Amiga remixes for your entertainment! Download them, rate them and let them steer you into the craze of X-mas shopping frenzy that is creeping up all over the world...
// Ziphoid
2015-10-20 W00t! New tracks! Yay!
Finally, another bunch of tracks are released for your aural pleasure. Enjoy...
// Ziphoid
2015-07-27 Summer is in progress...
...even if the weather here in Sweden seems to have forgotten that it is. Aaanyhoo, here's a bunch of new tracks to shake your butts to!
// Ziphoid
2015-06-08 A new bunch of tracks + a new remix album!
Here we go with yet another bunch of tracks, from both old and new remixers. Download and enjoy!
Also, check out the pre-order page for the new Instant Remedy album with Amiga remixes at 010101 Music. It will be released in its physical form at BIT Brighton 2015 in less than two weeks!
// Ziphoid
2015-05-02 Finally, a sign of life...
Yes, a bunch of tracks have finally been released. I'm in the process of updating the admin backend and thus let more people be able to help out in the pre-queue processing, ie, help determine if a track should be released or not. This means that we're putting a very coarse grained filter on the tracks to rule out tracks that don't belong on AmigaRemix for various reasons. Those reasons might be in the line of that it isn't a remix of an Amiga track, adds no new things to the track, or just lack of production quality. You'll know more about it all once we're done with it.
Until then, enjoy this new batch of tracks, since there are a few that really stand out. :)
// Ziphoid
2014-12-29 ...and a Happy New Year!
w00t! Another update before the end of the year!? Yes, it's true. I figured it would be best to release the queue now to let the tracks have a chance in the upcoming Remixer of the Year Awards. Please head over to and vote to help us make the awards possible.
With this, I leave the AmigaRemix year of 2014 to its destiny, but I can promise that 2015 will be interesting in a lot of aspects, but that's to be disclosed later, so you'll have to ponder that a bit longer... :)
Anyhoo, enjoy these tracks and look forward to whatever happens next year! :)
Best, Ziphoid
2014-12-20 Merry X-mas!
Yes, it's finally here. The biggest track update EVER. 56 tracks have now finally been released, way overdue.
I'd like to thank you patient ones and then also take the opportunity to send some f**kings to the (albeit very few, but still) people who take this service for granted. Apparently to at least one person, I am a failed human being since I haven't had the time in my life to do the updates to this site that were needed to be able to release the queue. Just FYI, some of us actually HAVE a life outside of the internets and can't put all available time for these completely voluntary and non-profit projects even though we'd like to. We have to make a living too, and that's nothing this will give us.
Anyhoo, enough rambling. Do enjoy the tracks and make sure to vote, both for them and for the Remixer of the Year Awards at
// Ziphoid
2014-09-05 Extreme delays...
Darnit, this year has been WAAAY too eventful which has meant that I'd had to postpone some activities. One of those has been to walk through the submission queue.
I hereby promise that the queue will be processed in August 2014. The ones of you who have contacted me to join the jury will also get invitations to do so in a couple of weeks.
Sorry, but things can only get better from here. :)
** UPDATE **
Hmm... Things are not always turning out the way you want them. The queue IS processed, however, due to a server update earlier this year and a very old site engine, the actual publishing process is broken and I need to fix it before the new songs can be released. Aiming to do this as soon as possible. Once again, sorry.
// Ziphoid
2014-05-02 Welcome to 2014...
Yes, I know, I know... We're all the way in May but here is FINALLY the first update for 2014. Things have just been crazy in the beginning of this year but hopefully it'll contain lots of great remixes for you fans out there.
Also, in an attempt to speed up the release process, I'd like to invite you to become part of the jury here at AmigaRemix. The jury work is not a hard one. We simply need to have some help to judge if a remix is good enough to be released or not. Please send a contact message here on the site if you are interested in helping out. :)
2013-12-31 Last-LAST update of 2013
Imagine that, there turned into one more update before the end of 2013!
Now, please make sure to listen, rate and then vote for what tracks and arrangers you liked during 2013 at Remixer Of The Year Awards Voting 2013. The voting closes just over a fortnight, so you better get moving. The actual awards show will be aired on January the 25th at 20:00 CET, hosted by SceneSat Radio.
Make sure to VOTE, because it might even get you to win a nice prize during the show! :)
Happy New Year to each and everyone of you Amiga-fans out there!
2013-12-17 Last update of 2013
Yes, here we go with the (probably) last bunch of tracks to be released in 2013!
Now, it's your turn to listen, rate and then vote for what tracks and arrangers you liked during 2013 at Remixer Of The Year Awards Voting 2013. The voting closes in less than a month, so you better get moving. The actual awards show will be aired on January the 25th at 20:00 CET, hosted by SceneSat Radio.
Make sure to VOTE! :)
Happy holidays to ye all!
2013-11-17 UVGS needs your help!
A symphonic concert & album with orchestral arrangements of video game music where YOU get to decide what is performed needs your help to get going!
Head over to Kickstarter to have more details about this, which looks like a cool concert!
2013-08-30 Finally, an update!
Yes, sorry for the extreme delay in news items and also when it comes to releasing the tracks in the queue, but now it has finally happened! There are more things in the works, so stay tuned!
Meanwhile, don't miss the upcoming Back In Time Live Manchester the 15th of September. In case you can't make it there (which you should try to do, at least), it will be broadcast on SceneSat. That also goes for the SuperByte Festival on the 13-14th of September, also in Manchester. :)
2012-12-30 Final tracks of 2012!
So, there were two more tracks to be released but this is it for 2012. Now, go ahead and download and vote for them and please do NOT forget to vote for the best Amiga- and C64-remixes of 2012 by going to Remix64 and help us lay the grounds for an awesome Remixer of the Year show in January 2013!
Happy New Year! :)
2012-12-17 New batch of tracks!
Yes, yet another batch of tracks released and it'll probably be the last bunch of the year. Go ahead and download and vote for them and please do NOT forget to vote for the best Amiga- and C64-remixes of 2012 by going to Remix64 so that we can have a blast of a show in the beginning of 2013!
2012-12-13 We're baaaaack!
Sorry for the downtime, but there was an urgent need for a physical move and then the annoying DNS managers refused to let us change the pointers to the correct server. That has been taken care of now, at least and we're back in business. Expect a bunch of tracks to be released sometime early next week.
Also, do NOT forget to vote for the best Amiga- and C64-remixes of 2012 by going to Remix64 so that we can have a blast of a show in the beginning of 2013!
2012-11-09 A BIG bunch of tracks released and a new Amiga project is on Kickstarter!
So, this time, a big bundle of tracks were released for your aural pleasure. Do download and vote for the tracks.
Also, make sure to support Allister Brimble's new Kickstarter project The Amiga Works where he'll remix a bunch of his famous tracks from the Amiga games he scored.
2012-04-26 A bunch of tracks released
Another update for your enjoyment. Download, listen and vote. :)
2011-12-31 Happy New Year!
In the final hours of 2011, the last 5 tracks are released to be included in the voting for's Remixer of the Year Awards.
Now, download the tracks, listen and GO VOTE!
2011-11-04 Queue cleanout
Finally, the tracks in the queue has been released so you have some new aural pleasure on the list. The work on the new engine is progressing and 2011 will be an interesting year...
2011-01-07 Vote for Remix64 Remixer of the Year Awards 2010
We're closing in on the final stage of voting for the ROTY Awards. Go to the voting page and help bring your favorite remix/remixer to the top! Voting ends at 23:59GMT Monday January 10th.
2010-09-01 Submissions switched back on.
After a nice and smooth summer, the submission system is now switched back on, so get the remixes flowing and surprise us!
2010-07-01 Submissions disabled.
The submissions have been disabled until September 1st 2010, while the staff takes a well-deserved break. See you on the other side of summer. Have a great one!
2010-05-11 Batch release
The queue has finally been processed and there has been a BUNCH of tracks released, so do enjoy.
Also, keep your eyes on the site in the coming few months, since there might happen some things when you least expect it... ;)
2009-12-22 Remixer of the Year Awards
So, the end of the year is nigh and the Remix64 Remixer of the Year Awards are getting closer. Make sure to head over to Remix64 to vote for your favourite Amiga- or C64-remix/remixer from 2009 and help us make the show a big and memorable one.
2009-09-02 Server move
In the afternoon of Thursday September 3rd, 15:30 CEST, the server will be taken down to be moved from Stockholm to Gothenburg, but will be back up again Friday morning.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
2009-08-24 Submission system reopened
Sadly enough, the summer is about over and we hope you've enjoyed it thouroughly. The only positive side of this is that the submission system has now opened again, so feel free to submit your creations for the jury to feast upon.
The rewrite of the whole site is still in progress and you can expect things to happen later on during this year. More info about that will follow.
Now - come on and make more kick-ass remixes!
2009-06-30 Summer holidays!
The summer is upon us and the AmigaRemix jury will get a nice vacation from their duties until August 24th, since the upload function has been disabled.
Hopefully, you'll all have a great summer and we'll be back with a bunch of fresh ideas on the other side...
2009-01-08 Happy 2009!
Well, we hope everyone had nice holidays and that you're up for a year of amazing Amiga remixes to come.
During this upcoming year, the site will drastically change to become more user friendly for both the listeners as well as the arrangers and some cooperations with other sites and communities will arise, so keep your eyes peeled.
2008-06-12 The track bundler...
...has been switched off until further notice, since it caused a major workload for the server and managed to bring it down more than once.
It will return when we have sorted a different, more light-weight alternative.
2007-12-08 The submission system... now switched on again. However, it's still the old system due to some factors that didn't go as planned.
There will not be ANY more tracks released this side of the new year, though, since I believe it will twist the stats for the ROTY awards in an unfavourable way. Any comments for or agains this decision can be discussed in the forum over at
2007-11-27 The submission system...
...will be back up again on December 10, 2007. It's currently being totally revamped to ease managing the submissions for both the jury and the remixer.
There are still issues to be sorted and if they can't be sorted until the 10th, the old submission system will be reactivated until the new one is finalized.
2007-09-14 There we go...
Now, the queue is totally empty. A neat little release of almost 50 tracks has been done today. The INFO-button has been temporarily switched off due to some reconstruction of that particular function.
Also, the submission system has been disabled for now.
2007-06-09 The queue... really long, we know. However, we ARE working on it all and you'll see movement in a not too distant future. Read more by clicking on the link below
2007-05-14 Back in business
Now we're finally back in business after moving server and everything. A lot of stuff will be rewritten but we'll set with the current situation for now.
New releases from the queue will pop up as well, so keep your eyes peeled.
2006-12-18 Finally it's here!
Yes, you read it right. The new submission system is released. It has been thorougly tested, but if you find some strange things with it, please tell us. Enjoy!
2006-10-31 Status update...
The new submission system is coming along, just not as quickly as anticipated. Keep your eyes peeled.
2006-09-14 Now, what's this??
A new look? *hmmm* Is there anything else that's new? Well, there are a LOT of changes done in the backend of the site and there'll be more stuff released in the next couple of days, including activation of the submission function. Stay tuned!
2006-09-02 No, we're not dead...
...we're just busy preparing to take this site to the next level. The reason why nothing is released yet is due to some reconfiguring that needs to be done on the server. We'll be with you momentarily...
2006-08-03 AmigaRemix update is getting closer...
Since the managment behind has changed, a new version of AmigaRemix is on its way. The updates are mostly behind-the-scene ones, but you'll see some improvements as well.
Keep your eyes open within a very near future...
2005-07-03 AmigaRemix 2005 Released!
The 2005 edition of AmigaRemix is now released! There are many changes behind the scenes, an updated look, better ways to interact with the site, and various other enhancements. Contact me with questions, comments, and suggestions!
2004-08-22 AmigaGames.Com Radio
From the site: "As of today, is broadcasting the greatest chiptunes, modules, CDDA tracks and remixes 24/7. Tune-in and enjoy the 'World of Wonders' "
2004-07-30 Ratings fixed ...
Ratings are now pulling correctly.
2004-07-28 Submissions enabled
Submissions re-enabled ... ratings still broken ...
2004-07-26 New remixes online!
Two months late, but there are finally new remixes online. I will try to put a few up every day until the queue is cleared. Sorry about the very long time from the last update. BTW local ratings are currently broken, they should be OK on re
2004-06-24 Submissions Temporary Disabled
I've temporarily disabled submissions due to the huge backlog that I need to get under control.
2004-02-16 New submissions page online.
The new remix submission page is now online. It should be pretty stable at this point, but may have some bugs in it yet. Let me know if there are any problems.
2003-12-10 Info and reviews available!
It is now possible to write tune infos and reviews for Amiga remixes. AMIGAremix tune info pages can be called from the Amiga Charts pages. There you can also view the votes distribution.
2003-10-06 Submissions ...
Sigh .. until I get the upload script working for real, submissions can be made on the submissions page by specifying a URL to the file. I will then transfer the file to this server. Sorry for the inconvenience.
2003-10-02 New site in the works.
Updates to the site are in the works. Expect some new functionality in the near future. Submissions stopped working again. Sorry.
2003-06-10 Submissions re-enabled.
All the little bugs are worked out and submissions are now re-enabled.
2003-05-28 Back online! is back online and on the new host. Submissions still disabled until I work out a few bugs. As always contact me with any problems.
2003-05-23 Moving to new host.
The site is being moved to a new host this weekend. Until the move is complete, I am again disabling submissions. There are a few submitted remixes waiting, these will be posted after the site is relocated.
2003-05-12 Submissions re-enabled.
Things are proceeding differently than I thought, so, for the time being, submissions are re-enabled.
2003-05-06 Submissions disabled
Due to certain recent events, I am going to have to find a new host for Until then, I cannot accept any further submissions. As soon as I secure new hosting, submissions will be re-enabled.
2003-04-29 Previews!
Previews (60 seconds, lo-fi) are now available. Let me know of any problems or comments you have!
2003-03-06 Voting enabled!
You can now view the ratings of and rate remixes! Enjoy. Let me know if there are any problems.
2003-03-04 Sorting enabled
You can now sort by date added, title, arranger or original artist. Just click the column headings.
2003-03-03 Arranger info
Arranger info pop-up pages are enabled. Enjoy. Again, let me know if there are any problems.
2003-03-01 Search functional
Search function now works. Search by title, arranger, or original artist.
2003-02-24 Spaces in URL bug fixed
Fixed a little bug, remixes that had spaces in the name (all of them) were not downloadable by some browsers. This should be fixed now. Let me know if there are any other problems. Thanks!
2003-02-24 AMIGAremix now online!, a repository for remixed Amiga music, is now officially online. Note that some aspects have only basic functionality and other parts are still being worked on. Enjoy! Also, let me know what features you would like on this si
Non-music content ©2003-2025 AmigaRemix Crew